Make A Payment
Please consult with your tax accountant to verify the amount due for services. We accept payment in US dollars, Israeli shekels or the equivalent in Bitcoin or Ethereum.
Pay by Bank Transfer
- US dollars
Transfer to Chase Bank:Chase account – Cole & Waxman Tax Services LTD
Routing number: 322271627
Account number: 911356613
Zelle/quickpay transfers: - Shekels
Transfer to Mizrahi Bank:
Bank number: 20 – Bank Mizrahi
Branch: 539
Account number:435883 (Cole and Waxman Tax Services or ( קול את וקסמן שרותי מס)
Pay by Credit Card (please add 4% credit card fee)
Pay by CHECK
- Please make your check out to “Cole and Waxman Tax Services” and deliver to POB 36274, Jerusalem 9136102 Israel. Please use doar 24 or express mail to avoid unnecessary delays.