Important due dates for filing your 2020 tax return and payments
Our policy is to file extensions for all active clients. If you generally owe tax, or expect to owe tax this year then take care to make your payments now. Call us if you need clarification.
- 12-February-2021 Tax filings accepted by the IRS
- 28-March-2021 Passover starts; office open for emergencies during chol ha’mo’ed
- 15-April-2021
- Tax filing deadline for US residents
- 2021 1st quarter estimated payments due
- Make final payments for 2020 (if necessary)
- Make final contributions or take distributions from IRA’s tax year 2020
- Israel independence day (we’re available for emergencies)
- 15-June-2021
- Tax filing deadline for overseas residents (including Israel)
- 2021 2nd quarter estimated payments due
- 15-September 2021 3rd quarter estimated payments due
- 20-September Sukkot starts; office open for emergencies during chol ha’mo’ed
- 15-October-2021
- extended filing deadline for individuals (final for US residents)
- *FBAR filing deadline
- 15-November-2021 (approximate) IRS closes eFile. Paper filings only until approximately 01-February-2022.
- 15-December-2021 2nd extended filing deadline for individuals living overseas (including Israel)
- 15-January-2022 – 2021 4th quarter estimated payments due
* Technically speaking, the FBAR deadline is April 15, 2021. But if you miss that deadline, then it is automatically extended to October 15, 2021 so the latter date is the effective deadline for EVERYONE.